The Holiday Campaign at Maple Valley Food Bank!
The holidays are here! We need our neighbors to step up in a big way to help us throughout the season. Below are a few ways you can help us fight hunger and feed hope in our community!
Gift Needs
Currently, our gift shop has hundreds of kids registered. With this growing demand, we need help procuring age appropriate gifts for the following age groups: 0-1, 2-3, 4-6, 10-12, and $25 gift cards for those ages 13-18.
We have also set up an Amazon Wishlist of suggested gifts and quantities! If you purchase something off our Wishlist, it will be sent directly to the Food Bank. You can find the 2024 Gift Program Wishlist here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/QC9NSV7QFU74?ref_=wl_share
Note: All gifts will need to be dropped off at the food bank or one of our community partners or to the food bank by December 6th. To drop off at the food bank, please come on Mondays or Thursdays between 9AM and 2PM.
Food Needs
At the food bank, we are sadly seeing a record number of people walking through our doors every week in need of food. In order to keep our neighbors fed, we need your help! Below are a list of our most needed holiday items:
Instant Mashed Potatoes Packets or Instant Mashed Potatoes Box
Canned Corn, Peas and Carrots
Cranberry Sauce
Gravy Packets or Canned Gravy (NO GLASS PLEASE)
Cream of Soup (Chicken, Mushroom and Celery)
Stock (Chicken, Turkey or Beef)
White or Brown sugar small boxes or bags
Canned Yams and Sweet Potatoes
Pumpkin Puree
Condensed or Evaporated milk
Crispy Fried Onions
Baking goods and seasonings
By donating to our general fund, you can ensure that we are able to purchase our most needed items this holiday season and throughout the year! To donate, visit https://maplevalleyfoodbank.org/donate/

About the author:
Jon Cantalini is the Executive Director of the Maple Valley Food Bank located in Maple Valley, Washington. To reach Jon, call (425) 432-8633, Ext. 103 or email: info@maplevalleyfoodbank.org.